Dermalogica Treatments

Dermalogica Treatments

Dermalogica Treatments 500 202 Blancas Aesthetic & Beauty Clinic

Dermalogica Treatments

Face mapping and skin analysis

Face Mapping is a complimentary service we offer to help you realize your skin goals and find products that will truly work for you. Combining Eastern and Western philosophies, Face Mapping involves looking at your skin with a trained eye, touching your skin and asking you questions about your lifestyle and environment.

Your Face Mapping reveals your true skin type and possible underlying causes of skin conditions you might have such as breakout activity, dehydration, sensitivity and/or uneven skin tone. These insights drive the recommendations we make in your personalized Skin Fitness Plan.

Every Face Mapping takes several minutes and is conducted by a qualified Dermalogica skin care professional.

Dermalogica facials

A lot of clients talk about facials and at Dermalogica we talk about skin treatments and the difference is clear. A facial is something that is indulgent or pampering. A skin treatment is specific to that client’s skin, designed specifically for them by an expert skin therapist and the results are unequalled.

We start with our unique Face Mapping where we analyse the skin in depth and design a treatment that’s different every single time because your skin is different every time you come in. You should receive a Dermalogica skin treatment about every 4-6 weeks or as I often like to say, once every epidermis which is your outer layer of skin.

The results you’re going to see with a Dermalogica skin treatment are unlike anything else in the industry because we exfoliate the skin, we double cleanse the skin, we do extractions, tailor-made customised massage and masque technique. With the products that are unequalled, you’re going to see your skin glowing, more luminous, hydrated, quite honestly, it’s going to be in its optimum condition, the best skin you’ve ever had.


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